Explore our beautiful country

A Wonderful Gift


We are an adventure seeking, social encouraging, fun loving hiking club. We would love you to be part of our club and join in on the fun!!

Photography Competition Winners 2022

Fauna 1st place - sip of water -Lieselle Pretorius
Fauna 2nd place - Lunch time - Liesele Pretorius
Fauna 3rd place - fight - Denise Harmse
Flora 1st place - Witblom - Gideon Pretorius
Landscape 1st place - river meander - Michelle Oztas
People 1st place - This is tough - Sheila Head
Sunset 1st place - Sunset Mabula - Sheila Head

Explore the World

If you are interested in joining in on the fun please get in touch. We always welcome visitors and hope you will join our hiking family.